Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Driving Safely on Rainy Sumatra Days

Rainy weather road trip
This article has been updated on October 6th, 2018

     If you’re planning to drive in Bengkulu province or other areas of Sumatra this rainy season there may be more needed than a full tank of fuel. Roads in much of Sumatra are not great and can be more difficult in the rainy season. Potholes, slippery and poorly visible roads are often the causes of many road accidents during the rainy season. We list some important tips to minimize accident risks for your rainy weather road trip.

Safety starts before you drive. Here's what you can do before you hit the road:
  • Give yourself extra time to check traffic, road and weather conditions before you go. It's also recommended to regularly check them for long distance driving. 
  • Check brakes, steering, and fluid levels. 
  • Make sure that headlights, turn signal lights, brake lights and windshield wipers are clean and functioning properly.
  • Check tread depth. Worn tires especially bald ones can be deadly on wet roads. It is widely accepted that tires should be replaced if the remaining tread depth is down to approx 1.6 mm (2/32 inch tread depth). This minimum tread depth standard is adopted by many of the world’s national transportation authorities. 
    Tire pressure label 
  • Check tire pressure, and also make sure that your spare tire is properly inflated. Many times people ignore their spare tire until they have a flat, and then find the spare tire is flat too. Keep in mind that many vehicles have different tire pressures on the front and rear axle. Recommended tire pressure is usually shown on a label attached to inside of the driver side door, doorpost, or glove box door. 
  • Prepare an emergency kit and keep it in the car, you never know when something's going to happen to you or your car. The basic emergency kit should include the following items:
    1.  First aid kit
    2.  Car tool kit
    3.  Food and drinking water.
    4.  Flashlight. Waterproof flashlight is recommended. 
    5.  Jumper cables. 
    6.  Multipurpose utility tool like a Swiss army knife.
    7.  Two reflective warning triangles

Safe Driving in the Rain
The Sumatra rainy season often brings heavy rain and often means flooded roads, a few rain drops can quickly develop into a heavy downpour. Here's what you can do to have a safe drive during the rains & thunderstorms:
  • Maintain safe following distance.  The 3-second rule needs to be increased to at least 5 seconds as wet roads can double stopping distances. 
  • Turn on your windshield wipers to keep your windshield clear. 
  • Rain can cause windshield and windows to fog up quickly. If your windshield and windows fog up, turn on the air conditioning and open the windows a little bit if necessary to increase the airflow. In a car without AC, a rag or piece of clothing will work as well, you'll just need to clear the windshield and the window more often. 
  • Turn on your headlights even in a light rain, or in gloomy, foggy conditions. They not only help you see the road but also help other drivers see you. 
  • Avoid excessive or sudden braking. It’s best to apply the brakes smoothly and gradually before coming to a complete stop. If you push the brake pedal to the limit, the car will probably skid. 
  • Don't follow large trucks or buses too closely, they tend to kick-up a lot of spray which can reduce your vision. Take care when passing them as well, if you must pass, do it quickly and safely.
  • Go slow when driving through a puddle of uncertain depth. If it is deeper than the bottom of your doors, turn around and find another route. Deep water can cause serious damage to a modern car's electrical system. 
  • When stuck in the mud, shift into 1st or 2nd gear and accelerate slowly. Don’t spin the wheels, or you could sink deeper.
  • When visibility is so limited that the edges of the road or other vehicles cannot be seen at a safe distance, it is time to pull over and wait for the rain to ease up. If the roadside is your only option, pull off as far as possible and wait until the storm passes.
Bengkulu - Kepahiang road condition

Flood Hazards
Many areas within Bengkulu province are considered to be at low to moderate risk of flooding. Floods can occur in Bengkulu province and the neighboring provinces as a result of heavy rainfall for a prolonged length of time. Take extra care when driving through these following areas which are prone to flooding:
  • Bengkulu city: Bentiring, Rawa Makmur, Semarang, Surabaya Permai, Tanjung Agung, and Tanjung Jaya.
  • Seluma district: Jenggalu, Cahaya Negeri, Air Periukan, Sukaraja, Seluma, Talo, and Semidang Alas Maras.
  • South Bengkulu district: Pasar Manna, Manna, and Ulu Manna.
  • Kaur district; Kaur Selatan (South Kaur), Nasal, Simidang Gumay, Tanjung Iman, Tetap, Luas and Maje.
  • Rejang Lebong district: Sindang Kelingi, Air Dingin, Bermani Ulu, Curup, Selupu Rejang, and Padang Ulak Tanding.
  • Kepahiang district: Bermani Ilir, Merigi, Ujan Mas, and Kepahiang.
  • Lebong district: Lebong Utara (North Lebong), Uram Jaya, and Pelabai.
  • Central Bengkulu district: Karang Tinggi, Taba Penanjung and Pondok Kelapa.
  • North Bengkulu district: Lais, Batik Nau, Ketahun, Air Besi, Putri Hijau and Marga Sakti.
  • Mukomuko district: Pulau Makmur, Ipuh, Arah Tiga, Lubuk Pinang.
Hope it helps and stay safe!!!

Photos by Adriansyah Putera

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Titan Arum – Bunga Tertinggi Di Dunia

Titan arum baru mulai mekar
Terakhir diupdate: 9 Januari 2017

Hutan tropis provinsi Bengkulu juga merupakan suaka bagi Titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) bunga paling tinggi di dunia dan mungkin paling berbau busuk, yang dikenal oleh penduduk setempat sebagai bunga Kibut atau bunga Bangkai (bhs. Inggris carrion flower) karena baunya yang khas seperti bau bangkai hewan. Titan arum merupakan tumbuhan tropis asli Sumatera. Tumbuhan ini pertama kali ditemukan oleh seorang ahli botani asal Italia Odoardo Beccari di pulau Sumatera – Indonesia pada tahun 1878. Saat ini, tumbuhan ini masuk ke dalam daftar ‘rentan’ oleh Persatuan Konservasi Alam Internasional atau the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Nama Titan arum pertama kali diketahui dipakai oleh seorang penyiar dan naturalis asal Inggris Sir David Attenborough untuk menunjukan tanaman tropis raksasa ini saat proses pengambilan gambar the Private Life of Plants series untuk tanyangan serial TV BBC pada tahun 1993. Attenborough merasa jika selalu menggunakan nama Latin Amorphophallus titanium (arti: penis besar yang cacat) untuk tumbuhan ini pada tanyangan serial TV BBC yang popular akan menjadi tidak pantas di mana para pemirsa bisa merasa tidak nyaman atau bahkan mungkin tersinggung oleh nama ilmiah tumbuhan tersebut.

Titan arum atau Kibut mengeluarkan bau bangkai
Titan arum yang memiliki bentuk seperti bunga bakung, atau yang juga dikenal dengan sebutan bunga Kibut merupakan tumbuhan yang sangat langka dan unik. Tumbuhan ini biasanya tumbuh di hutan tropis primer yang belum mengalami gangguan ekologis yang signifikan dan tumbuhan ini memerlukan waktu pertumbuhan vegetatif selama 7 – 10 tahun sebelum mekar untuk pertama kali. Bunga Titan arum berwarna jerau/merah darah, memiliki benang sari besar berwarna kuning yang menonjol keluar dari intinya, saat Titan arum mekar bunga spektakuler berbentuk pancang ini bisa setinggi lebih dari 2 meter (6,5 kaki). Titan arum mengeluarkan bau yang sangat busuk karena saat bunga terbuka semua, tumbuhan ini menjadi panas dan memancarkan aroma busuk yang menarik bagi serangga penyerbuk. Titan arum mekar hanya sekitar 2 atau 3 hari sebelum tumbang. 

Titan arum dapat ditemukan di beberapa kawasan di dalam hutan hujan provinsi Bengkulu, biasanya di kabupaten Kepahiang (60 km atau 37 mil dari kota Bengkulu) dan di Taba Penanjung (45 km atau 28 mil dari kota Bengkulu) di lereng-lereng Pegunungan Bukit Barisan yang berada di ketinggian 120 – 365 meter (394 – 1.194 kaki) di atas permukaan laut, kedua kawasan ini merupakan kawasan yang paling mudah diakses dekat dengan jalan utama setengah perjalanan antara Bengkulu dan Curup. Saat ini Titan arum merupakan salah satu lambang flora Bengkulu.

Klasifikasi ilmiah                                                      Click here for the English version of this post
Kerajaan: Plantae
Ordo: Alismatales
Famili: Araceae
Subfamili: Aroideae
Genus: Amorphophallus
Spesies: A. titanium
Nama ilmiah: Amorphophallus titanium
Lebih non-formal tumbuhan ini juga disebut Titan arum, Kibut, atau bunga bangkai.

Fakta-fakta menarik tentang Titan arum
Titan arum - bunga tertinggi di dunia
  • Saat bunga terbuka penuh, Titan arum mengeluarkan bau bangkai yang sangat menyengat untuk menarik serangga penyerbuk seperti kumbang pemakan bangkai dan lalat daging (Sarcophaga).
  • Tumbuhan ini jarang mekar di dalam area kultivasi namun Pak Holidin, seorang hortikulturis, telah memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang luar biasa dalam membudidayakan beberapa Titan arum untuk diperlihatkan di desa Tebat Monok, kabupaten Kepahiang, Indonesia.
  • Titan arum tumbuh dari umbi bawah tanah yang dapat memiliki berat hingga 70 kg (150 pon) dan umbi ini mampu tetap tidur/hibernasi selama 1 hingga 3 tahun.
  • Umbi Titan arum menghasilkan daun dan bunga di waktu yang berbeda.
  • Nama ilmiah Amorphophallus titanum (dari kata Yunani Kuno amorphos + phallos, dan titan) yang artinya “penis besar yang cacat” yang mana dapat membuat sebagian orang merasa tidak nyaman atau bahkan tersinggung dengan nama ilmiah tumbuhan tersebut. Nama umumnya dalam bahasa Indonesia, bunga bangkai, karena baunya yang mengingatkan orang dengan bau bangkai. 


Foto-foto Titan arum 

Bunga Titan arum berwarna jerau ungu, memiliki benang sari besar berwarna kuning
yang menonjol keluar dari intinya
Perlu waktu 7 - 10 tahun untuk tumbuh sebelum mekar pertama kali 
Melihat Titan arum di desa Tebat Monok - kabupaten Kepahiang
Tunas bunga kibut/Titan arum
Titan arum bisa mencapai tinggi lebih dari 2 m (6,5 kaki)
Titan arum mekar, Tebat Monok - Kepahiang 2 Jan 2017

Lokasi pengambilan foto Tebat Monok, Kepahiang - Indonesia
Photos by: Adriansyah Putera, Sirli Adriansyah & Kaneko Kenji

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Lake Suro Offers Scenic Places to Paddle and Explore

Lake Suro in the late afternoon
This post has been updated on July 14th 2018

     As Kepahiang district is still struggling to warm up, it looks more and more inviting as one of road trip gateways in Bengkulu province which is filled with beautiful and fascinating natural features. When visiting Kepahiang district for one day or more, you must include at least a visit to the lake Suro. The lake Suro (locally known as danau Suro) is truly one of the hidden gems in Kepahiang district. There is so much natural beauty around the lake Suro has to offer, whether you want to just wind down and soak up the views or enjoy some of the outdoor activities on and off the water. 

Fun Things to Do
     For an interesting and fun experience of the lake Suro life and its surrounding rainforests, try to visit here either early or late in the day. If you just want to enjoy the attractive natural surroundings from water, take a refreshing river raft tour for Rp. 10,000 per person (about US$ 0.70 - July 2018) from the dock near the entrance. If you love kayaking, bring your kayak along, the lake Suro which also known as “Wisata Musi Indah” offers scenic places to paddle and explore. Don’t forget to take your camera to capture your personal experience, the lake and river activity. 

A hanging bridge to the off the beaten path hikes
     Tired of visiting water-based attractions? Try some of the off the beaten path hikes! For those who love hiking and nature walk, the villages and the surrounding forests near the lake Suro offer fun nature walks which will allow you to touch and look at the beauty of nature, and develop a strong connection with the local natural environment as you walk along the trails. Keep in mind that many of trails are rather challenging and it is recommended to take a guide or a GPS for hikers who want to venture into the forest interior. Ask the guards or the small restaurant owner near the main entrance if you need a guide.

Entrance & Parking Fee
     There is a per vehicle entrance and parking fee, Rp. 5,000 (about US$ 0.35) for a motorcycle and Rp. 10,000 (about US$ 0.75) to Rp 20,000 (about US$ 1.39) for a four- (or more) wheeled vehicle depending on the number of passengers. Legal permits are not required for regular noncommercial day hikes.

Warning: visitors need to be careful when trying to cross the hanging bridge near the entrance as the walkway is poorly maintained, there are too many broken planks. Take a guide for hikers who want to venture into the forest interior! 

Location: the lake Suro is near the Musi Ujan Mas hydroelectricity plant about 16 km (10 mi) from the city of Kepahiang or about 70 km (43 mi) from Bengkulu city. Find the Danau Suro location on Google Maps.

The lake Suro and its surrounding rainforests

     Hope this post can help you plan your trip and get an idea about one of the places you should think about exploring in Kepahiang district. Happy travels!!!!!

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     Let’s make this post available in various languages! Translating this post can help more readers in your language to understand this post. If you would like to translate this post into your language or if you need help to translate some of your posts into Indonesian, please send me an email to kurt_reyhans@yahoo.com

Text and photos by: Adriansyah Putera