Sunday, April 5, 2020

Why Did You Become a Language Teacher?

This time I would like to take a moment to write a response to Jelena Hardy and those who ask me, "Why did you become a language teacher?"

The more I think about an answer to the question, the more I'm flooded with memories from my youth. First of all, please let me take you into my background a little so I can explain where my desire of becoming a teacher comes from.

I went to first grade in 1988. I was so nervous during my first week of school as I was not good at reading at all, but Ms. Lili, my home room teacher, helped me patiently to get through those hard days. She opened up the world of reading and writing to me. I loved her - a strict but caring and understanding teacher. At least that is how I remember her from 32 years ago. It is just sad that she passed away about three years ago after a battle with breast cancer. Then there was Ms. Bas, my third grade junior high school English teacher who greatly helped my English skill development. Then there was Ms. Dewi Susilawati, my English and home room teacher from the first to third grade of vocational high school. For me, Ms. Dewi Susilawati was like my own mother. Motherly, caring, patient, understanding and inspiring are five words that would describe those three women best. I mention those three great women because I feel that they contributed, in part, to the life choices I made.

Since I was a little boy, I have always loved helping my classmates with their homework and learning came easy to me for the most part. Being able to help and teach my classmates made me feel good. When I was in the sixth semester of university I was selected to join a program where the upperclassmen could become a teaching assistant for younger students. I enjoyed the program, and it was the starting point for me to decide more seriously where I’d go in life. After finishing my under-graduate program, the university hired me for an English instructor position for two semesters even though I was not from the English department, my major was Communication studies. During that period, teaching English always felt like my destiny. Teaching, especially teaching English was the right thing for me. I love learning, teaching and I love seeing and helping other people learn.

After I was done with the university contract, I was eager to apply my English skills and teaching experiences to English language schools as an English teacher, but unfortunately I came in at the time where schools only accepted those who graduated from the English educational department. It was hard and frustrating for me, but it was not long until I met Joshua Kegg who hired me for an English and Indonesian instructor position at GEC in 2009.

Thanks for asking this question, it brings back some good memories. Sincerely, Adrian. 


A little bit about me
I'm Adriansyah Putera. I’ve been working for Global English Course (GEC) since 2009. I teach English, and also Indonesian for non-native speakers of Indonesian. I’m also a freelance local guide in my hometown, Bengkulu. I’ve been contributing to Google Maps since September 2015. I love listening to music, hiking, photography and writing.

You can find me on Instagram and Flickr

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Palak Siring Kemumu - Wisata Alam Yang Scenic

Wisata alam Palak Siring Kemumu, tempat yang sejuk dan bagus untuk bersantai

Mengemudi menuju pedalaman dari humiditas Bengkulu utara, Anda secara bertahap akan melewati area persawahan dan mulai menanjak melewati desa-desa pegunungan yang sejuk dan lembab di sekitar Kemumu, Arma Jaya, kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Kemumu terkenal dengan daya tarik alamnya yang indah yaitu Palak Siring, sebuah kawasan yang indah, sejuk, dan cocok untuk bersantai dan juga bisa digunakan sebagai base untuk hiking di sekitar sungai kecil yang bersih dan perbukitan hijau di sekitarnya. Jika Anda tidak ingin melakukan hiking, Anda bisa berjalan kaki singkat untuk melihat pemandangan alam yang keren atau berenang (dekat lokasi air terjun Palak Siring) dan menikmati makan siang Anda. Anda dapat bermalam di Palak Siring, atau melakukan perjalanan pulang-pergi dengan mudah dari kota Bengkulu. Sehari di Palak Siring bisa menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan. 

Hiking di sepanjang tepi sungai dan melintasi hutan berbukit
Palak Siring Kemumu jarang dikunjungi oleh turis, namun di hari Minggu dan hari libur kawasan ini akan dipadati oleh pengunjung lokal. Sayangnya tempat yang indah ini tidak memiliki fasilitas yang memadai dan mengalami masalah dengan sampah. Tiket masuk per orang hanya Rp. 2.500 (sekitar US $ 0,15), gratis parkir kecuali akhir pekan.

Lokasi: Palak Siring terletak di Kemumu, Arma Jaya, kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, sekitar 62 km (38,5 mil) / 1,5 jam dari kota Bengkulu, atau sekitar 15 menit berkendara dari Arga Makmur. Temukan lokasi wisata Palak Siring di Google Maps.

Note: Selalu berhati-hati saat berjalan di dekat lokasi air terjun. Beberapa jalan setapak dan bebatuan bisa basah dan licin.

Foto-foto dari wisata alam Palak Siring 

Nafas segar dari alam Palak Siring
Pemandangan dari puncak air terjun Palak Siring
Kolam alami yang sejuk dekat air terjun Palak Siring
Anak sungai Palak Siring
Aliran air yang sejuk dan bersih di dekat air terjun
Photos by Adriansyah Putera and Peter Kimball